GBI: Man, 19, arrested on charges related to child porn

Ben Simms, 19, was charged with one count of criminal attempt to commit the sexual exploitation of children and one count of prohibition on nude or sexually explicit electronic transmissions (Oconee County Jail).

Authorities arrested a Georgia teenager as part of a greater statewide crackdown on child pornography.

Ben Simms, 19, was charged on Aug. 30 with one count of criminal attempt to commit the sexual exploitation of children and one count of prohibition on nude or sexually explicit electronic transmissions.

According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Simms was arrested in Kennesaw after the Oconee County Sheriff's Office received a report that several identified adults and at least one identified juvenile's images had been posted to a pornography site for the purpose of harassing the individuals and/or the sexual exploitation/manipulation of said images by the subject and other like-minded individuals.

During the arrest, multiple electronic devices belonging to Simms were seized, officials said.

Simms was taken to the Oconee County Jail.