GDOT breaks ground to make South Fulton intersection safer
Dangerous South Fulton intersection gets makeover
GDOT is taking action on a dangerous intersection. Highway 138 at Bethsaida Road in South Fulton County has had several crashes over the years with speeding to be one of the biggest contributing factors.
SOUTH FULTON, Ga. - Cars can build up a dangerous head of steam as they zoom down Highway 138 near Bethsaida Road in South Fulton.
But on Thursday, Georgia Department of Transportation crews put out cones and painted more vivid lines at that intersection to mark the lanes. This as they broke ground to install a traffic light to slow down speeders.
"I know it’ll be good," said Evelyn Dawson, a homeowner whose house sits at the corner. "It has the potential of saving lives."
She says driving around here can be chaotic and frightening.
"It’s real dangerous. They could possibly run into my house," Dawson said.
South Fulton Police say they have routinely ticketed speeders flying by at 100 mph in a zone marked 55 mph.
"A lot of the people who live here are afraid to turn onto this part of the road," said Councilwoman Linda Pritchett, who helped lead the charge to install a traffic signal.
Last month, police beefed up patrols and installed a speed detector.
"This is awesome because it’s needed," Pritchett said. "It’s going to be a tremendous difference."
Pritchett says the traffic light should be fully installed in the next several weeks. She hopes a roundabout will be installed sometime next year as a permanent solution.