Georgia primary election day: Nation eyes critical races for governor, Congressional seats

All eyes are on Georgia’s primaries on Tuesday. Many believe the state’s primaries are not just a decision on many critical matchups for November, but also a litmus of former President Donald Trump’s influence after being voted out of office. 

The election day poll hours for Georgia’s primaries opens at 7 a.m. Tuesday and will remain open for 12 hours. 


Brian Kemp looks to stave off challenge from David Perdue

Most polls, including a new InsiderAdvantage/FOX 5 Atlanta poll released over the weekend has suggested Gov. Brian Kemp will retain his party’s approval for reelection despite a strong challenge from former U.S. Senator David Perdue, who has the backing of former President Donald Trump.

Perdue has maintained his numbers will get a "Trump bump" on the day of the actual primaries. Perdue was recruited by Trump to run against Kemp, who defied pressure from the former president to overturn Georgia’s 2020 presidential election results. The night before the election, Trump held an 8-minute phone rally for the gubernatorial candidate hopeful.

Kemp got a last-minute big-name endorsement from former Vice President Mike Pence on Monday. The two made an appearance at a rally in Cobb County.

An outright win for Kemp would mean a rematch in November with Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams, who is running unopposed in the primaries. However, enough voters could split from Kemp or Perdue, opting to vote for Kandis Taylor or Catherine Davis, both polling in the single digits. That could put the race into a runoff on June 21.

Georgia’s Secretary of State Republican primary

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is also vying to keep his party’s support for reelection against a Trump-backed candidate. Raffensperger, the state’s top elections official, is facing a tough challenge from U.S. Rep. Jody Hice, who has promoted Trump’s lies that widespread voter fraud or tampering cost him the 2020 election.

With two others in the race, it could lead to a runoff.

The winner would face one of five Democrats running for their party’s endorsement.

Herschel Walker leads GOP race for U.S. Senate

Trump’s candidate for U.S. Senate, football legend Herschel Walker, appears to be cruising to the Republican nomination despite some GOP leaders warning that Walker will be unelectable in November against Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock. Walker has been accused of threatening his ex-wife’s life, exaggerating his business record and lying about graduating from the University of Georgia.

If the race wasn’t dominated by Walker’s football celebrity and Trump's endorsement, Gary Black, Latham Saddler, Kelvin King, Josh Clark and Jon McColumn might all be more viable candidates for the Republican nomination. But instead, each continue to try to scratch out a case for GOP voters to turn away from Walker and consider them in the May 24 primary as an alternative to take on Democratic incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock in November.

Walker has not made a single debate appearance and even has dismissed calls to debate, telling a radio station on April 20 that his opponents were jealous.

Republican primary for U.S. House - Georgia's 14th District 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has become a political lightning rod, is trying to stave off multiple Republican challengers. The Trump-backed firebrand was stripped of her committee assignments last year over racist remarks, her embrace of conspiracy theories and a past endorsement of violence. A group of voters tried but failed to knock her off the ballot, accusing her of helping foment the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

She faces opposition from Jennifer Strahan, who described herself as a mother, a Christian and a conservative, Charles Lutin, a 69-year-old retired physician and Air Force flight surgeon, Eric Cunningham, James Haygood, and Seth Synstelien.

Democratic primary for U.S. House - Georgia's 7th District

An unfavorable new district map has led Rep. Lucy McBath to jump into a Democratic primary against fellow Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux.

McBath said her push to stay in Congress was about fighting for gun safety on behalf of her son Jordan, who was killed in a shooting 10 years ago.

Early voting beats 2018 primaries

More than 850,000 people already voted early, including more than 483,000 who chose a Republican ballot and almost 369,000 who chose a Democratic ballot. Georgia has no party registration, so voters can choose which primary to vote in when they go to the polls.

Turnout could exceed the 2018 primary, when 620,000 Republicans and 563,000 Democrats voted.

To check on voter registration, assigned precinct locations, and see sample ballots, visit the Georgia Secretary of State's My Voter Page.

Watch exclusive one-on-one interviews with the candidates and get insight into the races from The Road to November and keep up with the latest headlines from the 2022 Midterm Election. The Associated Press and FOX News contributed to this report.