Georgia students benefit from the Mega Millions frenzy

Across the country people snatched up Mega Millions lottery tickets, hoping to win big.  Georgia Lottery officials say everyone buying a ticket in the state is helping a student.  

In the Peach state, the proceeds from lottery tickets go toward education. Since the lottery first launched in Georgia almost 30 years ago, billions of dollars have gone to support educational programs.

"Every dollar earned by the Georgia lottery goes straight to education," said Gretchen Corbin, the President and CEO of the Georgia Lottery Corporation.

Proceeds from the sale of tickets have been dedicated to education since the lottery started in Georgia in November 1992.

"We are so excited that now almost in our 30th year, Georgia lottery cash provided $25 billion to the state of Georgia for education," said Corbin.

More than one million children have gone through Georgia's lottery funded Pre-K program. The program for 4-year-olds is free regardless of family income.

Lottery proceeds also fund the HOPE scholarship for college students.

"Assist our Georgia students as they go through any university or technical college, as well as any private colleges or universities in Georgia,.  To date we have seen over 2 million HOPE students qualify," said Corbin.

When there's a Mega Millions craze like we've seen, that means more dollars for education.

"In this jackpot roll we have over $22 million for education in Georgia," said Corbin.

Lottery officials say even if you don't win the jackpot, be sure to check your numbers, you may have won anywhere from $2 to one million dollars with some numbers right. 
