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ATLANTA - Electors are meeting Monday to formally elect Donald Trump and Mike Pence as 45th president and vice president of the United States.
As expected, republicans chosen as the Georgia's presidential electors voted unanimously in favor of President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence, with both receiving all 16 of the state's votes. The electors casted their ballots inside the state Capitol in Atlanta.
The group has been swamped by emails, letters and other appeals to vote for another candidate, part of a longshot national effort to deny Trump the presidency.
Georgia law doesn't require electors selected by the state party to back their party's candidate.
RELATED: Trump wins Electoral College vote, presidency
In Georgia, the electors will have to fill the empty 16th slot during Monday's vote. Baoky Vu resigned his position in August after backlash to public comments that he may not support Trump as an elector.
With about half the states reporting, neither Trump nor Democrat Hillary Clinton had lost any electors.
Trump had 154 votes and Clinton had 86. It takes 270 votes in the Electoral College to win the presidency.
VIDEO REPORT: Electors set to vote on presidency
Electors were voting throughout the day and there was scant evidence many GOP electors would peel away from their Election Day winner. More than three dozen would have to abandon him to complicate his path to the presidency.
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