Good Day Atlanta viewer information: July 2, 2021
Georgia mother and daughter plan paired kidney donation
A local mother is in need of a new kidney, and her family is now on a mission to find her one.
ATLANTA - Local mother and daughter plan paired kidney donation:
When Cherokee Rabjohn woke up on her 10th birthday, she was in a hospital bed with very little understanding of how she got there.
"You know those big headphones we used to have in elementary school? So, I put them on and I, like, moved my jaw and my jaw cracked," Rabjohn said, remembering. "And the entire side of my face was drooping, so it looked like I'd had a stroke."
She hadn't had a stroke, but she did have a golf ball-sized tangle of blood vessels in the center of her brain. The only option was undergoing risky brain surgery at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.
"We didn't know how she would be when she got out," says Cherokee's mother, Debbie Rabjohn. "They said she may never walk, she might not really talk, she might not know her family or anyone."
The surgery, however, was a success, and today Rabjohn is working toward her master's degree in education at the University of West Georgia; she's currently completing a summer internship at Reinhardt University in Waleska. But Cherokee Rabjohn's been spending time around doctors and nurses again lately -- this time, supporting the woman who never left her bedside all those years ago.
"Twenty-three years ago, I was diagnosed with a kidney disease, and it was pretty rare," says Debbie Rabjohn. "And now, I need a kidney."
Debbie Rabjohn is currently on the waiting list for a kidney transplant; it's a process that can be agonizingly slow, which why her daughter had a lightning-fast reaction.
"I was like, 'Can I give my kidney?' I've never seen a more shocked look on my mom's face because I don't even think it even took me half a second. I was like, 'Oh, you want my kidney?'"
Says Debbie: "To have your own child go under the knife at the same time you're going under the knife and not be able to care for her and take care of her, was very hard. And so, for me, I was like, 'Hmm, not sure this will work for me.' And she just basically sat me down and said, 'You gave me life. If I can give you a kidney and keep you around ... because I don't want to live without you.'"
Doctors say Cherokee's kidney isn't an exact match for her mother, but she still plans to donate so that her kidney will go to someone else who needs it, freeing up another kidney for her mother. It's a process called a "paired kidney exchange," and it's the same thing FOX Medical Team reporter Beth Galvin took part in back in 2015.
Family and friends are also on a mission to inspire others to become organ donors because, as Debbie's grandson Jayse says, "My Noni needs a kidney."
And in their second major medical journey together, a lesson for the Rabjohn family: mothers may give life, but daughters can, too.
Family and friends have set up a GoFundMe page for Debbie Rabjohn, which you can find here. And Debbie's donation coordinator Barbara may be reached at 404-605-4128.
Summer days can be dangerous for teen drivers
Longer daylight days have an effect on teens when they get behind the wheel. Michelle Anderson from the Road Safety Foundation joins Good Day to talk more on the Safest Summer campaign.
Dangerous Driving Days for Teens: Michelle Anderson from the Road Safety Foundation shares ways to keep teens safe behind the wheel during a dangerous time of year.
Pike Nurseries gives delicious Independence Day recipes
If you planted all your herbs and veggies back in spring, you should be reaping the rewards right now. Here's three recipe ideas using your homegrown harvest that you can whip up for this fourth of July weekend.
Pike Nurseries gives three recipes using vegetables and herbs from your garden: Brittany Harper at Pike Nurseries gives three recipes for those spring vegetables and herbs you planted during the spring. For more on Pike Nurseries click here.
Pet of the Day from Best Friends Animal Society
Bruiser is 1 year old and loves to play and go for walks and runs. He also is kid-friendly and is always down for a good cuddle.
Pet of the day from Best Friends Animal Society: For more information click here.
How to be happy with yourself
We often times depend on external factors or big life changes to bring happiness into our lives, but maybe there are other ways to be happy with yourself and your life. Radio personality Darlene McCoy shares her tips on how to contribute to your own happiness.
Gospel music singer and radio host Darlene McCoy joins us from Praise 102.5 with more goals for achieving personal happiness: For more information on Darlene McCoy follow her on Instagram @darlenemccoy.