GOP Front Runners Spend Time in Metro Atlanta

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Dr. Ben Carson spoke to thousands Sunday at Free Chapel in Gainesville and signed copies of his new book "A More Perfect Union." During the 45 minute speech, the retired neurosurgeon spoke about refusing to be politically correct.

"True compassion is providing the poor with a mechanism to climb the ladder of success and become part of the fabric of our nation," said Dr. Carson.  "False compassion is patting them on the head and saying there there, you poor little thing, you cannot take care of yourself, I am going to give you food stamps and I am going to give you housing subsidies and free health care and all the things you need so that  you can stay dependent and vote for me," said Dr. Carson.

The GOP candidate also spoke of protecting the constitution and addressed the Supreme Court's recent decision to legalize same-sex marriage.  "It requires a legislative branch of the government and they are the ones who represent us the people, they have to be courageous," said Dr. Carson.  "They have to know for instance that; that supreme court decision could have come down that way and they should already have ready new legislation to protect the rights of Christians and people of faith in this country," said Dr. Carson.

Dr. Carson has been accused of making controversial comments, including that a Muslim should not be president and regarding the recent Oregon college shooting.  Many were surprised Sunday to hear of Carson's struggles with his temper as a teenager.  "Another teenager angered me and I had a large camping knife and I lunged at him and tried to stab him in the abdomen and fortunately under his clothing he had a large metal belt buckle and the knife blade struck with such force that it broke and he fled in terror." 

Dr. Carson said after that incident he turned to God for help.  "He took something meant for evil, that knife that I was trying to kill that young man with and he put another knife in my hand to save thousands of lives," said Dr. Carson.