Gun sales up across Florida

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Following the San Bernardino terrorist attack, gun sales in Florida have shot up, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

"After the San Bernardino event, we did see a significant increase in the number of requests. I don't know if that's totally related to that event or the holiday season," said FDLE commissioner Rick Swearingen.

Jason Collazo of Shooting Sports in Tampa says it is probably both.  He says sales in his shop have risen upwards of 30 percent.

"They noticed what happened in California and they don't want that to happen to them, so they come in here with the intention of buying a gun so they don't become a victim," Collazo said.

That follows similar sentiments shared by Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey this week.  He posted a video on Facebook - encouraging residents there, especially those with concealed weapons permits, to be vigilant and ready if another attack were to happen closer to home.

"If you're a person that is legally licensed to carry a gun, now is the time to realize you and you alone may be the first line of defense for you, your family and others around you in a terrorist or active shooter based scenario," Sheriff Ivey said in the video.  

Back in Tampa, Calazzo reminds new gun buyers, proper training and education is just as important as the weapon itself.

"It really is only the first step the sad truth of it is the vast majority [of people] don't go on and get further training," Collazo said.

The FDLE conducts criminal background checks of people who buy firearms at retail stores and state law requires a three-day waiting period for handguns.
