High school senior killed after deer crashes into car

The North Forsyth High School family is mourning the loss of one of their own. A freak accident killed a student set to graduate within the month.

It happened Tuesday evening on Brown’s Bridge Road. The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Trenton Basden, 18, was killed after a deer, hit by another car heading in the opposite direction, crashed through the windshield of the Honda Civic he was driving. Investigators said the deer became airborne after being hit by a Toyota Scion heading westbound struck it. Authorities said Basden was killed on impact.

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Debbie DeRoche lives at a home adjacent to the crash site.

“We were watching TV and my husband heard a loud crash. And my husband jumped up we saw the horses react to it,” said DeRoche.

One of her neighbors was behind the car driven by Basden.

“He had seen the deer get hit and it catapulted and the deer just catapulted over, hit the other car and the car just slid slowly off the road,” said DeRoche.

Donna Foust said the 18-year-old senior was headed home from an advance placement economics study session when the accident occurred. It is the same study group which had her daughter sitting right next to Trenton.

“She actually came home early today and went to bed it’s pretty sad for them when they're supposed to be preparing for graduation and I imagine a family preparing for a funeral,” said Donna Foust.

She said Trenton had plans to join his family who recently moved to Washington State.

Foust said the 18 year old was liked and respected at school and at a Dawsonville Chick-fil-A where he worked with some of his friends. The owner said everyone is praying for Trenton's family during this difficult time.

Debby DeRoche said the accident occurred on the birthday of Trenton’s mother.

"You hear about the accident and a mother losing a child especially on her birthday it just really kind of touches your heart," said DeRoche.



Students at North Forsyth High School held a prayer circle in front of the school on Wednesday morning. School officials said they made grief counselors available to the students and faculty. A roadside memorial was also placed near the spot Trenton was killed.

The Forsyth County Sheriff's Office said the driver who hit the deer in the first place was not injured. The deer was killed.

Funeral plans for Trenton Basden have not yet been announced.