Ho Ho Whoa! Clients put Santa contractor on naughty list

Alison Hoehn and Kurt Berger said one of the reasons they trusted their contractor was because of his side gig this time of year.

It's been a long time since Kurt Berger climbed up on Santa's lap. But the East Lake homeowner admitted dreaming about it a lot these days.

"What do you want for Christmas this year, Kurt?" he imagined Santa might ask him.

"I want my $43,000 back from you."

This is not your standard Christmas story.

In March, Berger and his wife Alison Hoehn signed a contract with Classic Renovators and owner Ed Turner to add a two-story, two-car garage to their home. According to canceled checks provided by the couple, they gave Turner a lot of money up front -- around $30,000 -- supposedly for Turner to buy materials with his contractor discount.

Some of the materials arrived. The rest did not. And according to the lawsuit they would eventually file, Turner allegedly didn't actually pay for any of it. Berger and Hoehn had to hire another contractor to redo and complete the work they originally paid Turner to do.

The homeowners say Ed Turner never paid for the materials used to start construction on their garage addition. The supplier put an $18,238 lien on their home. (Photo by Kurt Berger)

They filed a theft report with Atlanta police. The couple estimated Turner has cost them $43,000.

"We felt like idiots," Berger admitted.

They would soon feel even worse.

Still Lumber in Conyers filed an $18,238 lien on their house because the company said no one ever paid them for the materials.

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Clients put 'Santa' contractor on naughty list

In March, Kurt Berger and his wife Alison Hoehn signed a contract with Classic Renovators and owner "Santa" Ed Turner, who to add a two-story, two-car garage to their home. According to canceled checks provided by the couple, they gave Turner a lot of money up front -- around $30,000 -- supposedly for Turner to buy materials with his contractor discount.

Berger and Hoehn sued in DeKalb Magistrate's Court. Turner has not responded.

"It's been so deflating," said Hoehn.

So much so that the couple couldn't get into the Christmas spirit this year. Their tree is still in a box.

But it's not just because of what they said Turner did to them. It's what else they know he does this time of year.

"He talked a lot about being Santa Claus," said Hoehn.

Ed Turner played Santa at this year's Avondale Estates Tree Lighting ceremony (photo by City of Avondale Estates)

Santa Ed Turner has his own Facebook page. He's been in Christmas parades, worked country clubs, hospitals and just last month was the official Santa at the Avondale Estates tree lighting ceremony.

All of this while Turner faced a second lawsuit from another Atlanta homeowner, this one asking for at least $25,000 plus punitive damages for allegedly shoddy work from Turner and his subcontractors.

"We have great empathy for other Classic Renovators clients that also had the dream to renovate their family home but instead found themselves mired in delays, mismanagement and inadequate supervision," the couple said in a statement while asking not to be named.

Examples of shoddy work from a second lawsuit filed against Turner and his company. (Evidence photos)

According to their case file, when the process server tried to formally serve Turner with the lawsuit, no one would come to the door even though it was obvious people were inside.

We know the feeling. When we stopped by Turner's home, not a creature was stirring.

Turner didn't respond to our emails or voicemails, either.

"He has this front of oh my gosh, I'm Santa Claus," said Hoehn. "I love spreading joy. I make families happy. He certainly hasn't made us happy."