Hundreds in line for slain 'Voice' singer's services

MEDFORD, N.J. (AP) — Hundreds of friends and fans are in line and thousands more are expected at a memorial service in New Jersey for "The Voice" singer Christina Grimmie.

Among those offering their condolences to Grimmie's family were Alissa and Joseph Canto. The husband and wife from outside Rochester, New York, drove 7 hours to attend the services at Fellowship Alliance Chapel in Medford.

A public memorial service is being held Friday night.

The couple, both 24, says they've been fans since Grimmie launched her YouTube channel when she was in high school.

The 22-year-old singer was shot to death last week as she signed autographs after a show in Orlando, Florida. Her assailant fatally shot himself after being tackled by her brother.

Grimmie lived in nearby Evesham Township, about 20 miles from Philadelphia, before moving to Los Angeles in 2012.