Hurricane Helene: Dozens of dogs need temporary homes as storm approaches
Dozens of dogs need housing for Hurricane Helene
Around 46 dogs in Fulton County need emergency homes ahead of Hurricane Helene. Here's how you can help.
ATLANTA - Around 46 dogs need emergency homes ahead of Hurricane Helene in Fulton County. Lifeline Animal Project reports that it started with about 60 dogs on Wednesday but many of these still need a warm, dry place to stay through the weekend.
The dogs are staying at the Old Fulton shelter while another location is being painted. However, the building has a history of flooding in big storms and the dogs are at risk of water filling their pens.
RJ Sick stopped by to provide Haribo with a foster home for the next week. He says his wife had heard about the shelter's flooding problems and they immediately wanted to foster.
"I love it, it’s super heart-warming knowing you get to help a dog," said Sick. "It’s really overcrowded here. They need all the help they can get."
RELATED: The latest on Helene | Closings/cancelations

Lane Johnson, placement manager at Lifeline Animal Project, says a goodie bag will ensure that foster families have everything they need. "We have crates that we can send with new fosters so even if they don’t have stuff to have a dog, we can get that to them," Johnson said. "We’ll also give them a bag of supplies-dog food, toys, treats, all that good stuff. They’ll also be vaccinated."
It rained for a few hours on Wednesday evening and the water was already inching close to the shelter door at around 5 p.m.
An emergency that the community can help prevent by lending a few days of their time.
"Many Georgians right now, you have a couple days where you really won’t be doing much but maybe hanging out on the couch," explained Johnson. "And you could even just house a dog for a couple of days, and it would help immensely."
"Giving them a loving home and some attention really helps the dog shine and really break out into their own dog," shared Sick.
The shelter will be open on Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to facilitate emergency foster placements or adoptions.
For more information, visit Fulton County Animal Services or stop by the shelter during the special hours.