Joey and Rory Feek's daughter Indy attends preschool

Photo: This Life I Live Blog

Country singer Joey Feek left behind a great legend--her and Rory's 2-year-old daughter Indy. And she's attending preschool!

Though Joey's original plan was to homeschool little Indy, life took a different turn once she was diagnosed with cancer. Joey and Rory sought out school and programs that would fit perfectly with Indy's needs, as she had Down syndrome.

The couple visited High Hopes and knew everything from the the other the entire staff was exactly what Indy needed. So instead of being bummed out by not being able to homeschool, they were elated to find the perfect match.

And now Indy is loving every second of it! She just started attending this week! Look at her having a blast...


Photos: This Life I Live

Check out the other adorable pictures of Indy on Rory's This Life I Live blog