Joey Feek spends Valentine's Day with husband, daughter by her side

As country music singer Joey Feek pushes through her final days of battling cancer, she pours all her love into spending every minute she can with her husband Rory and their daughter Indiana.

On Valentine's Day Sunday, several emotional photos were shared of the 40-year-old star on Instagram. Rory Feek first shared an image of his wife kissing their little girl, who turns 2 on Wednesday, with the caption "happy Valentine's Day mama." 

Rory posted a second image of the couple sharing a sweet embrace. 

"Happy Valentine's Day my love," the picture said. 

Rory recently said in his blog that their first-ever date was on Valentine's Day in 2002. 

"How the plan plays out is up to God," Rory said last week.

Joey stopped treatment in October. Doctors gave her six to nine months to live. 
