Clayton County crooks steal from disabled Georgia veteran right before surgery

A disabled veteran is fighting to find out who ransacked her storage unit and stole almost everything she owns. Police say someone broke into Life Storage on Jonesboro Road. The veteran says crooks got away with her important documents, even her son’s belongings. 

Disheveled bins are what remain after crooks tore through Natasha Turner’s storage unit.

"They took everything," she told FOX 5.

Natasha Turner (Credit: Natasha Turner)

Just a couple of days after Thanksgiving, Turner, who is an Army veteran, was at a VA hospital in Augusta getting ready to undergo surgery for an arm injury she suffered while serving. She said that's when she received bad news at the worst possible time.

"There was a break-in," she said.

Clayton County Police said crooks broke in at Life Storage on Jonesboro Road. They turned Turner’s unit upside down.

"They took all my clothes. I have no clothes. They took my shoes, they even took my wigs … my service uniforms. They took my boots," Turner said.

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Natasha Turner told FOX 5 most of her items were stolen out of her storage unit, the rest were left broken.

They stole her son’s computer and bike. They grabbed anything they could get their hands on.

"My medical records, my military service records, my son’s records. They were all documents, there was nothing monetary in there," she said. 

And, Turner says, the criminals stole her guns.

"They took a .380, and a 9-millimeter," Turner said. "Whatever they didn’t take, they just broke."

Turner says the grand total of everything stolen was "probably over $50,000." She said she wants to be compensated for that loss.

Turner’s brother Keith McCormick had the job of breaking the news to her.

"It’s very disheartening. She sacrificed everything for this country," McCormick said. "I want to find out who done it."

McCormick started a GoFundMe campaign to help his sister rebuild at least some of what was lost.

So far, no arrests have been made.

Life Storage sent the following statement to FOX 5:

Security is a top priority for Life Storage. Our team will support and cooperate with the police in their investigation of this uncommon break-in. Additionally, the damage done to our property was quickly repaired, and we will be evaluating our security systems further to see how we can improve the site's safety.