Kennesaw Mountain High School teacher arrested for being drunk on campus

Jason Hammett (Cobb County Sheriffs Office)
KENNESAW, Ga. - A high school teacher in Cobb County has been arrested and charged with being drunk on campus.
Arrest warrants say he was caught on camera throwing an empty bottle of Crown Royal into a dumpster behind Kennesaw Mountain High School.
Documents say Jason Hammett also had whiskey in a soda bottle in his geography classroom.
Police say Hammett blew more than double the legal limit while being arrested at the school on Friday.
Hammett was charged with alcohol possession on public school grounds.
He was booked into the Cobb County Jail, but posted bail on Tuesday.
FOX 5 reached out to the district for comment. A spokesperson released the following statement:
"Cobb Schools police and local administration are working with the police investigation regarding the suspicion of a now former staff member being intoxicated on campus. We expect all employees to support students as professionals and uphold District policy."