Plant-based group calls on Macon Bacon baseball team to change name over 'glorification of bacon'

A doctors’ group that promotes plant-based eating and animal rights is makin’ a fuss over the Macon Bacon baseball team.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has sent a letter urging the Georgia summer collegiate team to change its name, WMAZ-TV reported. The group has also sponsored a billboard imploring Macon fans to "keep bacon off your plate."

"Macon Bacon’s glorification of bacon, a processed meat that raises the risk of colorectal cancer and other diseases, sends the wrong message to fans," Anna Herby, the group’s nutrition education program manager, wrote to the team’s president. "I urge you to update the team’s name to Macon Facon Bacon and promote plant-based bacon alternatives, such as Facon Bacon or Mushroom Bacon, that will help your fans stay healthy. As for Kevin, Macon Bacon’s mascot, he can reveal that he is actually plant-based bacon."

The Macon Bacon had its first season with the Coastal Plains League in 2018 after the name was chosen in a vote by fans. The team’s mascot, Kevin, won over "Footloose" actor Kevin Bacon, who once wore a Macon Bacon hat in an Instagram post.

And it’s not just a name. The ballpark concession menu includes bacon-wrapped bacon, steak-cut bacon, bacon-loaded cheese fries and bacon chips.

The team responded in a statement that they "do not view ourselves as a glorification of an unhealthy lifestyle."

"We take great pride in the Macon Bacon naming rights (which our fans voted on in 2018), as we get to witness the smiles and laughter from our fan base – who have supported our branding since our inception -- that stems from the brand’s lighthearted and playful nature. We are a family-friendly organization and we are extremely grateful for our fans," Macon Bacon President Brandon Raphael wrote.

Raphael says the Macon Bacon "will be sizzling forever" and "will not consider a name change. Ever."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.