Residents worry about future after proposal to convert Marietta motel into apartments
Marietta motel could boot residents in apartment bid
A residential hotel in Marietta could become an apartment complex if a development company gets its way. Marietta’s planning commission wants the city council to approve a proposal to convert the Motel 6 on Delk Road into apartments. However, there’s no plan in place for what would happen to the people who currently live there.
MARIETTA, Ga. - A residential hotel in Marietta could become an apartment complex if a development company gets its way.
Marietta’s Planning Commission recommends city council approve a proposal for 5th Street Capital Partners to convert the Motel 6 on Delk Road into apartments. That could force the people who live there now to move out.
Many of the long-term tenants live on low or fixed incomes. Right now, there’s no plan to relocate them. Some of the people who live there say they’re not sure where they’d go.
Charles Reeves gets around in a wheelchair and lives on a fixed income.
"It’s getting hard for us senior citizens," Reeves said. "My social security check ain’t big enough to pay for where I’m at. I think it would be a bad idea unless they’re going to do something for the people who’ve bene living here like myself. Hopefully, I won’t be homeless. But it’s looking real dim."
The developer reportedly would charge at least $1,200 for the proposed apartments. Marion Simpkins says that is out of her range.
"Everything is going up higher now," Simpkins said. "Finding another place to live would be tough. Then we’re going to be outside."
"I’d probably have to go to family, which I don’t want to do," Reeves said.
FOX 5 called the lawyer for the developer and the city of Marietta and waiting for responses.