Metro Atlanta reacts to gay marriage ruling

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FOX 5 News was in Midtown Friday following the ruling where many people took to the streets to celebrate. 

Meanwhile, opponents of gay marriage say the Supreme Court's ruling will not sway them. FOX 5's Aungelique Proctor spoke to the Georgia Baptist Convention and the spokesman says his church won't budge on its belief. 


Governor Nathan Deal:

"While I believe that this issue should be decided by the states and by legislatures, not the federal judiciary, I also believe in the rule of law. The state of Georgia is subject to the laws of the United States, and we will follow them."

Mayor Kasim Reed:

"Today is an historic occasion for the City of Atlanta, for Georgia, and for America. The Supreme Court's ruling marks a momentous victory for freedom, equality, and love. It is clear that the arc of history continues to bend ever closer toward justice.

The Court's ruling is a powerful testament to our country's founding principles. Surely if we are a nation of equality and justice, then no loving couple should be treated as inferior to any other. If we truly believe in equal protection under the law, then we must defend this fundamental right to marriage.

Atlantans have long worked to create a just and inclusive society. We have a proud history of upholding human rights and providing equal opportunity to all people. That history is rooted in the knowledge that our diversity makes our city stronger.

I urge Georgia's state and county officials to move swiftly to implement the Supreme Court's ruling and the Constitution's command. Atlanta's same-sex couples have already waited far too long for the respect and dignity they deserve.

While we celebrate this crucial step toward achieving our vision of equality, we must also realize that our work is not complete. We must ensure that love is never a barrier to success and that no one is ever fired, evicted, or denied service simply for being who they are. I am confident that the people of Atlanta will continue to lead the way as we work toward becoming a more just state and nation."