Murder suspect with injured leg tries to make a run from deputies

Authorities say a Fulton County inmate who had been taken to the hospital for treatment tried to make a run to freedom.

His name is Jaron Walker and he is facing murder, aggravated assault and other charges.

The incident happened Wednesday morning as deputies unloaded a van at the entrance to Grady Memorial Hospital.

"He was one of seven inmates, and the last one to get off the van," said Lt. Col. Adriana Christopher. "He took off, but a deputy gave chase, and caught him about a block away."

There was a factor that complicated Walker’s alleged escape attempt.

He had a leg injury and was in a medical boot.

"I think that definitely helped the deputy get behind him so quickly," Christopher added. 

Walker was led back to the hospital and needed even more treatment for the leg, which he re-injured during the run.

Under normal circumstances, all the inmates are handcuffed and in leg irons for the transport.

Deputies had the inmate in the handcuffs but not the leg restraints due to that leg injury.