American Red Cross: Donors offered Amazon gift cards to help fight national blood shortage

The American Red Cross wants the nation's attention: it's declared a "national blood crisis." 

The organization is now offering incentives in February in hopes of getting more donations.

February blood donors will receive a $10 Amazon gift card.

The Red Cross said in a tweet on Friday the crisis affects cancer patients in need of transfusions in order to feel better. 

The Red Cross encourages anyone eligible to make a donation. 

Why is there a ‘national blood crisis?’

The American Red Cross of Georgia says blood supplies have been a problem since the start of the pandemic, but supplies haven't been this low in more than a decade.

Fewer people made donations during the COVID-19 pandemic, but winter weather has further complicated people making their appointments.

Red Cross officials say recent bad weather all over the country has canceled an estimated 500 blood drives. That's 17,000 fewer donations.

How to donate blood

There are a few ways interested donors can set up an appointment.

Prospective donors can enter their ZIP code online to schedule an appointment at a donation center near them. 

Prospective donors can also request a Red Cross associate to call.

What type of blood is needed?

Donors of all blood types are "urgently needed," it said. 

Particularly, those with Type O positive are being sought because it is the most transfused blood type and can be transfused to Rh-positive patients of any blood type. The Rh factor indicates a certain type of protein found on the outside of blood cells.

Type O Negative is the universal blood type and what emergency rooms reach for when there’s no time to determine the blood type of patients, the Red Cross said. 

