NC Mother Adopts Baby Right Before Cancer Diagnosis

When Tammy Ross was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2012, she had a new inspiration to fight for her life. 

Tammy and her husband Jeff had adopted their son, Caden, just weeks before her diagnosis. She was given an aggressive stage 2 diagnosis and had a lumpectomy, partial mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. 

Tammy said Caden became a caregiver for her through her fight. 

"All of my attention and focus was on the baby so I hadn't even told my husband that I had found the lump," Tammy said. " I couldn't believe it, I really couldn't."

Jeff Ross said they were the happiest they could ever be and then to hear the words "you have cancer" was devastating. He said he immediately went into caregiver mode. 

"A lot of times I was too weak to even get out of bed and my family would bring Caden to the bed with me and he would just lay there and hold my finger. I told my husband a lot of times I was in so much pain I wanted to die, but I knew I had to live for Caden," said Tammy.

"I'm not ashamed to say that during the process we literally almost lost everything we owned to make sure my wife was going to be taken care of. Because if it was a mortgage payment and a shot that she needed during the chemotherapy, naturally I'm going to pay for the shot," said Jeff Ross.

With the help of family, friends and their baby, Jeff said they made it. 

"I just thank God for bringing him into my life," Tammy said. "Because of him, I believe I'm still here."

Today, Tammy is cancer free and her husband is a spokesperson for Relay For Life. Tammy said she wouldn't be here today without the support of her husband and her son, Caden.