New Birth celebrates MLK Day with Reverend Al Sharpton

The New Birth Church in Lithonia honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day with the help of a special guest: Reverend Al Sharpton. Reverend Sharpton spoke to the congregation offering words of encouragement and how he feels the community can live Dr. King's legacy, even today.

"Wherever you are, don’t give up on your dream," said Sharpton.

The minister and activist urged determination especially in the current political climate. "It’s not only those that hate on the surface, it’s the institutional bigotry," Sharpton said.

The civil rights leader said it is challenging to follow Dr. King's legacy, but the community must persevere. "Even in these times of of turmoil, the hate march happening tomorrow in Virginia, the continued polarization around the country...Dr. King faced worse," said Sharpton. "And he never stopped dreaming. He never gave up."

Reverend Sharpton touched on his feelings on the president and the impending impeachment hearings coming just after the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

"He has divided us, which is the antithesis to Dr. King," said sharpton of President Donald Trump. "Now he's facing an impeachment hearing the day after Dr. King's holiday. I hope that Mr. Trump will correct his ways, but if he doesn't, I hope the Senate, and if not the Senate, the voters, will heal the nation," said Sharpton.

But, Sharpton and New Birth's Senior Pastor Dr. Jamal Bryant said more than anything, this day is a reminder that perseverance will one day bring the change Dr. King dreamt of.

"We need to come back together, Dr. King style," said Sharpton.

"I am a part of a generation that is fueled off of likes," said Dr. Bryant. "What Dr. King modeled for us is: Dream even when it's not popular," said Senior Pastor Dr. Bryant.