New photos of man who vanished in Bartow County last month

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A desperate search for a missing 30-year-old Bartow County man has been underway for the past month. Freddy Seth Morgan hasn't been since May 24.

Bartow County investigators said Morgan went to work at Zep products in Emerson early that morning. Around lunchtime, he took a taxi to McDonald's in Cartersville. Detectives released surveillance photos of Morgan at the restaurant. Detectives said he later took the same taxi to his cousin's house near Cartersville. He has not been seen since that time.

"Since that time there's been no activity on his phone, he's not picked up his last two checks, no one has come forward to say they've seen him or talked to him since that time," said Bartow County Sheriff's Investigator Johnathan Rogers.

His parents are frantic and overcome with worry.

"We love Seth we want him to come home, we want to know where he is, we know someone knows where he is," said his mother Deidre Morgan.

There have been searches, flyers are posted all over town and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is involved, yet there has been no sign of Seth. His parents said he has a 7-year-old son and never goes more than a couple of days without talking to a family member.

"I want to hear his laugh, I want to see his smile, I want to see him at family gatherings.  We just want him to be safe," said his father Freddy Morgan.

RELATED: GBI searching for missing Cartersville man