No charges in Stonecrest Mall melee

A big disappointment for the family of a teenager who they said was beaten by three former security guards.

The family and their attorney made an appearance at DeKalb County Magistrate Court Monday night to call for justice. The process allows the public the opportunity to present evidence in an effort to seek criminal charges.

Mawuli Davis, the family's attorney, said they were seeking misdemeanor charges against three former Stonecrest Mall security guards. Davis presented several witnesses, including the woman who recorded the melee on her cell phone.

She testified that she saw one security guard punch the 15-year-old before the other two other guards got involved.

Ken Hodges, the attorney for the former security guards, said what wasn't seen on the cell phone video was what happened moments before that. He said it was the teenager who started the melee. The 15-year-old was not at the hearing and his name has not been released.

In the end, Judge Howard Indermark said the evidence was too contradictory and did not file any criminal charges against the former security guards. Hodges said all three men no longer work at the mall and are searching for work.

The family said they will seek another avenue of justice with the DeKalb County District Attorney.