Officers Accused of Stealing Guns

Two Aragon Police officers are accused of taking guns from the Police Department's property room.

Polk County Sheriff Johnny Moats says Aragon Police Officer Michael Conner was arrested in July, accused of stealing a department issued Glock from the Aragon Police Department.

"Conner was over the evidence room, so he had easy access to it," said Moats.

The sheriff said Conner then sold the gun to a local judge.

"They got to looking for this missing gun and the judge had heard about the missing gun and he knew he had bought one from the officer, so the judge came and turned it in," said Moats.

While investigating the case involving Michael Conner, it was discovered another gun was missing, this time a .38 caliber pistol. Investigators tracked it to John Goodwill, a former Aragon officer. Goodwill was laid off from the department two years ago, but allegedly swiped the gun while he was on the force. When investigators just recently linked the gun to Goodwill, he was arrested and booked into the county jail.

The Aragon Police Department is small. The mayor said right now there are two full time officers and some part time officers. Most people who live here know the police.

Kevin Stroup said he knows both men.

"They've pulled me over a time or two.  They're good people.  Everyone makes stupid decisions in life, and they just got caught up in it," said Stroup.

Sheriff Moats takes it more seriously.

"I never would have thought any officer would be capable of something like this. I hold my officers to very high standards, it just shocks me that it happened," said Moats.