Over 40M gallons wastewater discharged into Chattahoochee River, officials say

The Cobb County Water System (CCWS) has reported a spill at its South Cobb Water Reclamation Facility following routine compliance testing.

The tests revealed that treated wastewater released on Wednesday did not fully meet the facility's standards.

The backstory:

The facility, which is authorized by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) to treat up to 40 million gallons of wastewater daily, discharged 40.08 million gallons into the Chattahoochee River on Feb. 12. CCWS officials determined that the incident qualified as a "spill" under EPD guidelines after receiving sampling results on Thursday.

What they're saying:

Despite the spill, officials assured that the discharged water was disinfected and will not affect drinking water supplies. "Daily water quality testing upstream and downstream of the release site has shown no impact on the river, and no cleanup or remediation is required," they stated.

The Source: The details in this article come from officials at the Cobb County Water System.

Cobb CountyNews