Georgia suspect runs from officers, ends up in... cold water, literally!
Bizarre police chase ends in a lake
It’s probably the strangest getaway. A Fayetteville man who couldn’t outdrive the police in a high-speed chase, tried to out-swim them in the end.
PEACHTREE CITY, Ga. - A man running from the police decided his best option was jumping into a cold lake to get away.
He first led officers on a high-speed chase, before making the strange attempt at a getaway.
Peachtree City Police were waiting on Brett Betsill, who investigators say was running away from Coweta County deputies when the stolen car he was driving crossed the city limits.
He had already had quite a day. Accused of aggravated assault, investigators say he ran from Fayette County deputies earlier that morning and Coweta County deputies that afternoon.
Now, Peachtree City Police were on his bumper and he took off again.
His speeds, officers say, down State Road 74 would top 140 miles an hour.
Still, police stayed on his trail until the video shows he abandoned his smoking stolen Subaru and headed for the woods.
Peachtree City officers followed on foot.
That is when the chase got interesting. Cornered on the shores of Burch Lake, the police, who had waded in after him, decided not to swim after him, but rather to wait. They had all afternoon and it was a lake after all; a lake in winter with a water temperature in the upper 40s.
On shore, more police formed a perimeter around Burch Lake. A Peachtree City Police K-9 tracked his progress.
About a half-hour later, a cold, tired and half-dressed Brett Betsill came ashore and surrendered finally.
The Fayette County Sheriff’s Office has taken out a number of warrants against the 37-year-old Fayetteville man including aggravated assault. Peachtree City Police have added felony fleeing as well as quite a few traffic charges.