Pedestrian accidents on the rise | The simple thing everyone can do to prevent it

An urgent safety alert from the Georgia Department of Transportation to drivers: stay inside your vehicle on highways and busy roads if something happens.

This comes as more people are being injured or killed as they step outside their vehicles.

"Standing outside your vehicle on the interstate is a deadly recipe," said GDOT spokesperson Natalie Dale said.

It’s a strong but important message from Dale and GDOT leaders as they say the number of pedestrian accidents on Georgia highways has increased over the years.

"A simple fender bender will make people want to get out of their cars. They want to stand around and talk. They might not have air inside of their cars and they just want to get out of their car," Dale said.

Dale says that’s a dangerous place to be, and they have seen more and more good Samaritans hit and killed while simply trying to help.

"We are in an era where people are distracted, driving too fast and a very innocent standing outside your vehicle can quickly make you a fatality in the next day’s headlines," Dale said.

Dale explains how the action is, in fact, illegal.

"People think pedestrian as someone who is walking. In this case, you are a pedestrian anytime you are outside of your vehicle," Dale said.

So what happens if you’re in an accident, or something causes you to be stuck?

Dale says move to the emergency lanes if possible.

Dial 511 or 911 and stay buckled.

It’s key to stay inside the vehicle until first responders arrive.

"We don’t want you to be helpful to the point where it cost you your life," Dale said.

Officials also remind you of Georgia’s ‘move over law’ if you see first responders on the side of the roadways.

Georgia Department of TransportationGeorgiaTrafficNews