Pigeon dyed pink dies, NYC rescue group says
Pink pigeon passes away
The pink pigeon that was discovered in Madison Square Park last week has died. The Wild Bird Fund shared on social media that the bird likely died after inhaling the toxic fumes on its feathers.
NEW YORK - A pink pigeon that was believed to have been "deliberately dyed" and left animal lovers across the city outraged has died.
The Wild Bird Fund shared the sad news on social media Tuesday, saying the bird died after inhaling the toxic fumes on its feathers.
"We are deeply sad to report that Flamingo, our sweet pink pigeon, has passed away. Despite our best efforts to reduce the fumes coming off the dye, while keeping him calm and stable, he died in the night. We believe his death was caused by inhaling the toxins," the Wild Bird Fund said in a tweet.
The bird, a king pigeon named "Flamingo," was rescued after being spotted by a good Samaritan in Madison Square Park and was brought to the rescue group in distress.
King pigeons are a type of bird bred to be kept in captivity for exhibition or consumption. The Wild Bird Fund said they believe the animal had never flown before and was likely bought from a poultry market.