Police: Drugs disguised as Christmas candy

What started out a traffic stop in Walton County has landed a teenager in jail for allegedly trafficking of drugs.

But investigators say it’s not the usual drugs found in the county – it’s marijuana-infused candy some might mistake as Christmas candy.

“Actually he had a probable cause search of the vehicle because he smelled marijuana,” said Captain Ty Vance of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office.

He showed FOX 5 News dash-cam video showing a Walton County Sheriff Deputy confiscating illicit drugs some might confuse for something else.

“I guess one could say that yes it was like Christmas candy. It’s something we don’t run across very often,” Vance said.

He said 18-year-old Jacob Clayton was pulled over for a bad tail light but the smell of marijuana led to a search warrant.

Police said 27 vape vials of THC oil, the psychoactive part of pot, six bags of THC oil-infused gummies, two THC oil vape pens and a large bag of mushrooms were confiscated.

He says Clayton, who is from Grayson in Gwinnett County, told the arresting deputy he was the middleman.

“He didn’t say where he was going or where he was coming from,” said Captain Vance.

He said with Walton County and Monroe between Atlanta and Athens suppliers could come from many places, including other states where pot and THC laced products like the ones seized are legal.

A group of local residents had their own views on the bust.

“I’m all for it but the laws the law. You can’t break that either,” said Sterling Smith.

“They can’t turn the other way even though even though Georgia’s going to eventually legalize it too,” said Mark Shelton.

Whether you agree or disagree with their views deputies in Walton County deputies say If it’s illegal you’re going to get busted.

“We’re going to do our job. Georgia hasn’t changed that law and don’t do it around here and don’t do it coming through Walton County don’t bring it into Walton County.

Clayton was being held on numerous felony drug trafficking charges and as of late Tuesday night was still in jail waiting for his next court appearance.