Fake cop robs Georgia massage parlor during phony inspection, police say

Tyrone police are on the lookout for a man who reportedly impersonated a law enforcement officer to gain access to a massage parlor, and then proceeded to rob the employees.

Police say the man, who was caught on camera, entered the Han Massage parlor located on North Highway 74 on June 29. He identified himself as a law enforcement officer and pretended to inspect the business.

To sell the act, police say he requested identification from each of the employees.

While checking their IDs, police say he managed to pocket $460 from one of the employee's wallets.

He left the scene in a white Dodge truck.

If you recognize the man pictured, give detectives a call at 770-881-8254, or email ajohnson@tyrone.org.

Police have also warned the public not to approach the man if seen in public. Instead, call 911.