Police search for Edgewood strong-armed robber

Police need help to take a violent robber off the streets of Atlanta.

A sketch was released Tuesday of a man Atlanta police said was involved in a strong-arm robbery on March 16 at the Edgewood Retail District. The victim told FOX 5 News she was thrown to the ground after the robber snatched her purse as she left the parking structure.

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"He slammed me on the ground and took my purse," said Ferihan Taylor, who said the man grabbed her by the face.

Taylor said she had to go to the emergency room due to her injuries.

"It looked safe. I had no reason at two, two-thirty in the afternoon, to expect to be robbed," Taylor said.



Police said the man is described as being in his late 20's, a little over 5 feet, 7 inches tall and having an average build. Officers said this was the first robbery of 2016 at the shopping center, down from four robberies this time last year.

The Edgewood Retail District has private security; an official with the shopping center's corporate office said they were aware of the latest incident, but have not yet given FOX 5 News information on any security measures in light of the recent attack.



Atlanta Police Zone 6's Major Timothy Peek released this statement:

"The Atlanta Police Department works closely with the community and business owners in efforts to create the safest environment imaginable.  We communicate and coordinate public safety needs with ERD off duty police officers and private security officers...  As for reoccurring crimes, this problem is not specific to the Edgewood Retail District.  These are crimes of opportunity and like Edgewood, they happen at many other shopping centers throughout the metropolitan Atlanta area... As we continue to work with property managers of the ERD, we ask that citizens continue to remain vigilant and be aware of their surroundings in all neighborhoods, regardless of where they shop. Take strategic approaches and park in areas where you see higher amounts of foot traffic if possible. "

A $2,000 reward has been posted for anyone with information that leads to an arrest and indictment of the robber. Tipsters can call Atlanta Crime Stoppers at 404-577-8477.