Protesters camp outside Atlanta's Detention Center

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Dozens of protesters camped outside the Atlanta City Detention Center Sunday morning to call on the abolishment of ICE.

The protesters say they want to see the agency, which enforces federal immigration laws, to be shut down due to the alleged mistreatment of immigrants.

The push comes in the wake of the heated debate at the border.

Protester Marlon Kautz said they didn't see any other option to make sure detainees weren't held in Atlanta.

"We find it unacceptable that detainees are being held here and we see staying here and trying to getting in the way of the process of detention as the only way forward," Kautz said.

RELATED: Protesters gather for Atlanta's 'Families Belong Together' rally

This comes after thousands marched peacefully in downtown Atlanta as part of the nationwide protest Families Belong Together.

An estimated 4,000 people braved the heat Saturday to walk roughly a half-mile from the Atlanta City Detention Center to a federal building.

U.S. Rep. John Lewis and others denounced the Trump administration for separating more than 2,000 children from their parents as part of a crackdown on illegal immigration at the Mexican border.

Although President Donald Trump has signed an order ending the policy, children remain in detention centers and apart from their families.

The Atlanta Police Department said on Twitter yesterday that they "hope any demonstrators remaining at the jail peacefully disperse, but stand ready to act if they choose to violate the law."