Rabun County man arrested, charged for child porn

William Paul "PJ" Taylor (Credit: Rabun County Sheriff's Office) (Supplied)

A Rabun County man was arrested after Rabun County deputies said a search on Dec. 6 resulted in the finding of child pornography on an electronic device that they say belonged to the suspect.

The sheriff's office alongside the Department of Community of Supervision, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and Appalachian Regional Drug Enforcement Office conducted the search on Rabun County's William Paul Taylor, who also goes by the nickname "PJ".

Officials said they found child porn on at least one of his devices, and they were also able to identify the victims in the footage.

Taylor was arrested and charged with one count of child molestation, two counts of trafficking a person for labor or sexual servitude, two counts of obscene internet contact with a child, one count of sexual battery against a child under the age of 16, two counts of solicitation of sodomy, two counts of enticing a child for indecent purposes and two counts of criminal solicitation.

Taylor is currently being held at the Rabun County Jail without bond.