Rapper Rick Ross finally receives permit for car show he never planned to cancel

Rick Ross during the Kelce Jam at Azura Amphitheatre on April 28, 2023 in Bonner Springs, Kansas. (Photo by Barry Brecheisen/Getty Images)

Rapper Rick Ross, whose real name is William Roberts, has been granted a conditional use permit for his 2nd annual car show planned for June 3 at his property in Fayetteville.

It was initially reported that the Fayette County Planning and Zoning Commission denied the rapper's permit, saying it was "not in compliance with Fayette County Zoning Ordinance."

Residents of the county have also expressed concern over the traffic that it will bring in the area, blocking access by residents to their homes and local businesses.

On May 17, Ross posted on Instagram that he would go ahead with the event despite the denial.

In a letter sent on Friday, the request for the conditional use permit had four conditions -- the event could not operate more than 14 calendar days per year; tents must have the approval of the county fire marshal; off-street parking and proof of the off-site parking is required; and outdoor lighting for activities will not be permitted after 10 p.m.

The letter was signed by Deborah L. Bell, who is the director for the commission.

South Fulton police said earlier this week that they were "monitoring" the situation surrounding the car show.

Councilmember Linda Pritchett also said that she didn't want Ross to cancel the event, but she wants him to discourage people who attending his show from parking along the side of the road or the parking lots of nearby businesses.

The event is expected to draw thousands of people to Ross' property, which he calls the "Promise Land."


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