Red Panda at Zoo Atlanta dies

A beloved Red Panda died Thursday at Zoo Atlanta, according to officials.

Idgie the red panda was 14-years-old and decline in health. The Animal Care Team at Zoo Atlanta decided to euthanize the panda after she was not responding well to treatments.

Hayley Murphy, DVM, Deputy Director said in a statement:

“This is a heartbreaking loss for Idgie’s care team and for the many Members, guests and social media followers who looked so forward to seeing her and who learned more about and came to support the conservation of red pandas because of her. What she lacked in size she made up for in great charisma, and she was a wonderful ambassador for her species.”

Zoo officials are a awaiting the result of a necropsy from the University of Georgia Zoo and Exotic Animal Pathology Service and College of Veterinary Medicine.

A necropsy is considered the equivalent to an autopsy for humans.
