Renowned serial killer expert coming to Atlanta for show next week

The Serial Killers With Dr. Scott Bonn tour is coming to the City Winery on Tuesday, Aug. 6. The renowned criminologist spoke with FOX 5 Digital about what attendees can expect during the chilling evening that begins at 7:30 p.m. 

"I’m going to take true crime fans there in Atlanta inside the minds of some of the most diabolical killers of all time, many of whom I’ve interacted with and been involved in those cases," said Bonn. 

While the subject is dark, the public speaker assures the immersive experience will be a good time. 

"It’s exciting and fun. It’s thrilling. It’s a little bit scary, but it’s also highly entertaining." 

The best-selling author has been an expert commentator for various well-known crime documentaries and TV shows. His research and one-on-one conversations with killers allow him to understand why they have such evil desires. 

"They have this compulsion, and this compulsion escalates and escalates inside of them over a period of years until it reaches a point that they can’t control it." 

Bonn’s detailed descriptions of his discussions with David Berkowitz ("The Son of Sam") and Denis Rader ("BTK") are mind-boggling and fascinating to the public. 

But, he says the reason he spreads this information is to help people prepare themselves if they do have the rare chance of running into a savage murderer.

 "No one wants to become the victim of the next Ted Bundy, but no one wants to become the girlfriend or the wife of the next Ted Bundy either," said Bonn when asked to explain why he thinks his audience is so involved in his work. 

At the show’s end, the criminologist hopes to make attendees feel much better about the topic while highlighting what matters most. 

"We need to remember the victims." 

Tickets for the show start at $38 for mezzanine seating. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Click here for tickets.