Residents frustrated with filthy living conditions at SW Atlanta apartment complex

Some people living in a southwest Atlanta apartment complex say they're fed up with filthy living conditions. 

Felicia Morris has lived at the Forest Cove Apartment for nearly 20 years. She said she's tried for years to find a fix to the problems at the complex. 

Morris said lately, the problems have become worse.

"We've got empty apartments with trash, we've got grass growing high. We've got infestation mold," Morris said. 

She also said there is a cockroach and rodent problem as well. 

"Every time I open my door and go in my apartment, I have a calm space. But it's sad that I feel like I'm locked up because I come outside and I see this," said another resident. 

Morris said she's tried contacting everything she can think of for help but her requests fall on deaf ears. 

"I've been working on this project almost 20 years now and I haven't got it resolved. No one comes to do nothing. They need to board the units up," Morris said. 

City Councilwoman Carla Smith said she's well aware of the ongoing issues at this complex. She said she's taken them to court several times over these issues but no changes have been made. 

This complex is Section 8 project-based housing, owned by Global Ministries. 

The company that manages the property, The Millennia Companies, is based out of Ohio.

The company sent this statement to FOX 5:

"Since beginning to manage the community in 2018, the management of trash has been an issue. We have dumpsters where residents are supposed to put their trash. The proper disposal of trash is recommended.

There are numerous dumpsters on the property and a primary waste management vendor has consistently emptied the dumpsters on a weekly basis. During the onset of the coronavirus pandemic when more families were staying at home, we saw an increase in the trash that was inappropriately disposed of around the property and in vacant units that had previously been properly secured.

We are currently working to address this issue in several ways, including hiring of temporary employees to assist in clean-up efforts, engaging a supplemental trash removal vendor to remove excess trash and securing a vendor to re-board the vacant units.

The supplemental vendor is scheduled to be onsite tomorrow to further assess the scope of work, and, once hired, the temporary employees are scheduled to be onsite for a period of 21 days. We are working to make this a coordinated effort so that trash will be removed, and promptly thereafter, the vacant units will be re-boarded."  

For Morris, this is about more than simply cleaning up for the sake of appearances. 

She said  she's trying to fix up her community, not only for her, but for others who are faced with few options when it comes to affordable housing. 

"I feel mad. I feel hurt and I feel unwanted. I'm doing this for everybody. It's sad. When I talk about it, it makes me want to cry," Morris said.