Ribbon-cutting ceremony for Norcross affordable housing duplex

The city of Norcross cut the ribbon on its new affordable housing complex Monday.

Norcross holds ribbon cutting for Mitchell Road Affordable Housing Duplex. (FOX 5 Atlanta)

City Officials joined LiveNorcross and the Gwinnett Housing Corporation for the ceremony and official grand opening of the Mitchell Road Duplex.

Organizers say the property symbolizes the city’s efforts to bring more quality, affordable housing to the area. 

The Mitchell Road duplex is designed to provide permanent housing to homeless residents and families.

In addition to a new home, the Gwinnett Housing Corporation will work with local organizations to serve the families for two years and offer them access to self-sufficiency programs.

The new Pathway HOME property is located next to the Mitchell Road Mosaic Mural and has direct access to public transit.

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