Sheriff’s office asks for help to donate 250 new bikes to Toys For Tots

Some metro Atlanta first responders are asking for help to ensure hundreds of children get a new bike this Christmas.

The Great Bike Build Off is a cooperative effort between the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, area firefighters, and Bike Coweta. Their mission is to donate 250 fully-built bikes to Toys For Tots to be delivered to children in Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Merewether and Talbot counties in time for Christmas.

This year, they are doing things a little different from years past. Last year, the team bought bikes in spurts as they received donations, but this year, they bought all 250 bikes in bulk early in hopes to make the deadline faster. It has left them with a $30,000 tab.

"It’s been a little bit challenging this year to raise the funds to pay for them, obviously, and we’re trying our best. Toys For Tots would like the bikes sooner, than later," said business owner C.J. D’Onofrio.

About 250 bikes sit at the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office after The Great Bike Build Off in 2021.

About 250 bikes sit at the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office after The Great Bike Build Off in 2021. (FOX 5)

However, it is a challenge that organizers say has always been met by the community. They hope this time is no different.

"You can donate through our GoFundMe, you can donate through Bike Coweta," said D’Onofrio.

For the last five years, organizers say the program has been extremely successful, giving away hundreds of bikes to those who otherwise might not have one.

"A new bicycle for a kid is a little bit of independence, you know, they spend their life at the mercy of where their parents wants them to go, this lets them get out and play in the yard, go up the street, things like that can it gives them exercise, which everyone needs all the time anyway," said Coweta County Sheriff’s Sgt. Toby Nix.

About 250 bikes sit at the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office after The Great Bike Build Off in 2021.

About 250 bikes sit at the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office after The Great Bike Build Off in 2021.

Another new challenge this year is the team's plan to build all the bikes in one day. That is something they are set to do on Nov. 5.

"It’s a fun day for us, but then to know you are doing something for a kid who may not get a bike for Christmas, to get them a new bike, everybody wins," said Nix.

Until then, the bikes are still in the 250 boxes they came in, just waiting for assembly day.

Anyone who would like to donate can do so through the Bike Coweta website or the 2022 "The Great Bike Build Off" GoFundMe page.

Coweta CountyFayette CountyHeard CountyMeriwether CountyHolidaysHeartwarming NewsNews