Shining light on crime in Midtown

Fed up with crime, residents in Midtown Atlanta are taking to the streets to shed some light on the problem areas.

For the next couple of weeks, a group of volunteers will be walking every street and alley, conducting an audit on the street lights. They'll be logging any lights that are out or blocked by trees.

“The increase in crime in the past few months has been crazy, we have to do something,” says Paul Luppino who is helping to organize the volunteers.

Volunteers will be looking for particularly dark places where people can hide in the shadows.

“If there's an area and there is no light and there should be, we'll get the cross street or an address so we can map that out,” says Luppino. The group will then turn the information over to the city and power company.

Along the way, the volunteers will also be reminding homeowners to turn their porch lights on.

“Porch lights are a big thing because that's one of the immediate things we can do with a flip of the switch,” says Luppino.

If you'd like to be one of the volunteers for this project, email