SO COOL: Suburban Chicago family builds glorious glowing igloo made of colored ice

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Suburban Chicago family makes igloo out of dyed balls of ice

This igloo in Oak Park is big enough that the family has even slept overnight in it.

A suburban Chicago family is really upping the neighborhood snow building game.

Antony, Tansri, Jasmine, 18, and Joshua, 15, worked on their glorious "Bulb-Igloo"in Oak Park for about two weeks off-and-on. It's made of balls of colored ice that were created by dying water inside balloons and leaving them out to freeze.

Antony Wood said the first step was to fill the 12-inch balloons, add food coloring, then leave them outside in temperatures in the teens or below to freeze. They removed the balloons once the ice was frozen and started to build, using snow mixed with water as a slushy mortar.

After three straight rows, he said, they started to curve the walls in until they completed the curve at the peak. Then, they build the tunnel.

The completed igloo is about 5'6" high and 8 feet in diameter. 

"You could fit two people lying down in it comfortably, and we have slept overnight in it," said Antony Wood.

