State Sen. Vincent Fort files to run for Atlanta mayor

State Senator Vincent Fort qualified to run for Atlanta’s top spot on Wednesday.

Fort has been an outspoken advocate for the people of the district, which includes the city of Atlanta, for the past 21 years.

Wednesday, he held a rally outside City Hall with his supporters.

Fort is the fifth candidate to qualify to run for Atlanta Mayor. Former Fulton County Commission Chairman John Eaves, Atlanta City Councilwoman Mary Norwood, Atlanta City Councilwoman Keisha Lance-Bottoms, and Atlanta City Council President Ceasar Mitchell all previously qualified.

The winner of the race will take off over on the first Monday of January from current Mayor Kasim Reed, who is term limited.

More candidates are likely to qualify before the deadline Friday at 4:30 p.m. The election, which also includes races for city council president, three at-large council members, 12 by-district council members, and two city judges, will be held November 7 with a possible runoff on December 5.