Trump’s attorney in Georgia files opening brief to appeal’s court to remove DA Willis

Former President Donald Trump's legal team has filed an opening brief in the Georgia Court of Appeals, seeking to overturn a lower court's decision not dismissing a criminal case against him in Fulton County. Lead defense counsel Steve Sadow argued that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should have been disqualified due to alleged misconduct in forensic procedures and conflicts of interest.

In a statement Tuesday, Sadow asserted, 'President Trump has filed his opening brief in the Georgia Court of Appeals. The brief persuasively argues that the trial court should have dismissed the case and should have disqualified DA Willis for her misconduct in forensic procedures and the appearance of impropriety due to her personal relationship with former Special Assistant DA Wade, who was also a taxpayer-funded financial benefactor. We are optimistic that the Court will decide the appeal favorably in our favor.'

The case, which centers on allegations related to the 2020 election, has drawn significant attention amid ongoing disputes over the validity of Georgia's election results. The appeal hinges on whether Willis' actions constituted prosecutorial misconduct under Georgia law, thus warranting the indictment's dismissal.


The trial court's refusal to disqualify Willis has been a focal point of contention, with Trump's legal team arguing that her alleged biases and conflicts compromised the integrity of the proceedings. They further contend that Willis' conduct, which includes public statements and affiliations, has prejudiced Trump's right to a fair trial.

Legal experts anticipate a rigorous appellate process, with potential implications for future prosecutions involving public officials and election-related matters in Georgia.

The Georgia Court of Appeals has yet to schedule oral arguments on the matter.