Uber drivers attend training session to identify human trafficking

Dozens of Atlanta-based Uber drivers attended a training session with Georgia’s first lady Marty Kemp, to learn how to recognize and report human trafficking.

“They can save lives, said Kemp. “They know what to look for.”

Georgia’s first lady and the International Human Trafficking Institute partnering with Uber to train dozens of Atlanta-based drivers on how to recognize and report human trafficking

“These drivers are at ground zero. They really do see it,” said Deborah Richardson, Executive Director of International Human Trafficking Institute.

Combating human trafficking in Georgia is one of the first lady’s top priorities. She thanked these drivers for taking the time to learn and respond to the warning signs.

“I’m hoping to learn new tactics,” said driver Marni Perrymond.

Signs include young passengers being controlled by an older person as well as making multiple trips to the same location.

Experts say drivers should call 911 or call the human trafficking hotline to report suspicious behavior. But the first lady is encouraging all Georgians to learn and join the efforts right from their own home.

“I have a link on the Governor’s website. It’s a 30-minute training module. Anyone can take it and use it in their everyday life,” said Kemp.

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