Union City man with schizophrenia goes missing day after birthday

Kehinde Olukorede Yusuf (Credit: Union City Police Department)

A Union City man diagnosed with schizophrenia was reported missing just a day after his 41st birthday.

A Mattie's Call, Georgia's emergency missing alert for disabled or elderly persons, has since been issued.

Kehinde Olukorede Yusuf's mother said she last saw him at the Marta bus stop on Shannon Parkway on April 23 at around 6:45 a.m.

He was wearing a yellow jacket and a gray mechanic's jumpsuit. Yusuf is 5-feet-7-inches tall, weighs about 172 pounds, has brown eyes and short, black hair. Police provided a picture of the missing man with and without facial hair.

If you have seen this man, please call 911 or the Union City Police Department at 770-964-1333.

Union CityMissing PersonsNews