Warning signs: is your child in a gang?

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Do you know if your child has fallen into the wrong crowd or engaged in illegal activity, or has even joined a gang? 

The warning signs were given to hundreds of parents at a seminar called the "Gangs, Guns and Violence" forum in College Park Thursday night, at the Midway Missionary Baptist Church. 

"We encourage parents to be involved in their kids' lives... Oftentimes, we're looking for the enemy, and the enemy is within," said Michael Langford of the United Youth Adult Conference. Langford is the brother of the late Atlanta Councilman Arthur Langford, Jr. who helped found the Conference.

The organization works to mentor youth and counter the rise of juvenile crimes across the metro, and encourages parents to be involved in their children's lives. 

Warning signs for parents include: 

  • Children withdrawing from activities with family. 
  • Falling grades. 
  • Friendships with peers who may be a negative influence 
  • Expensive items such as clothing, shoes, and electronics appearing at home that you did not purchase. 

Langford also encourages parents to search through their child's rooms, and also scan through their social media posts, contacts, and chat sessions. 

Leaders also encouraged parents to ask for help if their child has fallen into trouble or joined a gang. 

"Talking to the children, having outright conversations. Bring those children forward to begin the intervention as needed," said Dr. Gerry White of the "Let us Make Man" mentorship program. 

White encourages parents to reach out to school counselors and social workers and facilitate meetings between them and their children, enrolling their child in an afterschool activity, and finding a mentorship program to facilitate coaching and life skills training. 

Let Us Make Man can be contacted through their website letusmakeman.net

The United Youth Adult Conference can be reached at 404-441-8877.