White County mom of 3 killed in crash, children rushed to hospital

A car crash in White County has robbed three children of their 34-year-old mother. 

Georgia State Patrol says the car Bailey Gabler was driving hydroplaned and started spinning out of control during heavy rains Thursday. 

Another car then hit them in the driver’s side. 

"She was heading to the airport and it was raining really, really hard. And she hit a spot in the road that had piled up with some water and she hydroplaned… and she was t-boned by another vehicle. It crushed my daughter's side, she passed from her internal injuries," said Gabler’s mother, Tammy Leal. 

Leal says Bailey’s three children were in the car with her--14-year-old Isaac, 9-year-old Karter and 4-year-old Harmony. 

"[Isaac] had some bruising on his kidneys. [Harmony] had a concussion and just a few little abrasions that were stitched," Leal said. 

But Karter’s legs were crushed in the accident and she is recovering at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. 

"She just had like a 5-½ hour surgery last night on her legs. They were both broken," Leal said. 

Leal is devastated by the loss of her daughter.

"She had the best personality. She made everybody laugh. Everybody around her loved her. She lived for these kids. They were her world. She just had the biggest heart, just the biggest heart," Leal said. 

But she’s also grateful her daughter’s kids miraculously survived. 

"They said that this accident was so horrific that none of them should have walked out of there alive. So I'm really, really grateful that my grandkids weren't deceased with my daughter. I'm very grateful for that," Leal said. 

She’s now going to raise them as her own. 

But she says she wasn’t financially ready to do this. 

"It's just hard. Just really hard. You just don't expect a 34-year-old to be gone and to be leaving your family and especially your babies… I just inherited three kids to take care of. And we're going to have to find a place to live, because I live in a two-bedroom apartment, so I don't have enough space," she said. 

Leal says asking for help is the last thing she wanted to do. 

But Bailey was a single parent, so now all they have is their grandmother.  

And Leal wants to make sure those kids want for nothing.  

"I really don't like asking people, but if anybody can possibly financially donate to help us, I would be forever grateful. I just want to provide for my grandkids as best as I can, and they don't really want to have to go into debt, taking out loans and stuff to have to do it," she said. 

She’s asking people to donate to this GoFundMe