Woman transforms hair styling passion into ministry

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After losing her job in the oil and gas sector, a woman decided to develop her passion into a ministry. Behind the walls of an adult special needs center, Barbara Goodson is transforming lives from the inside out.

“Just the welcoming I get, like ‘Hi,’" said Goodson. "Everyone knows why I’m here.” 

The back of Goodson’s car contains a mirror and boxes of hair styling tools. She brings her traveling salon to anyone who needs her services, including the homeless, terminally-ill or anyone who simply can’t afford a haircut.

“Many times these people on the street haven't been touched in months," said Goodson. "No one has touched or cared for them.” She can do it all. Cut, trim, blow dry or style. 

“I’m a pretty boy, so I have to keep myself up,” said Jerome.  

All she needs is a small space and an outlet. 

“Two days after I found out my office was closing, I thought, ‘Okay, I know what I'm supposed to do. I’m supposed to start a charity to cut hair for people,” said Goodson.

The charity, Have Shears Will Travel, was born. 

When asked, "So you cut hair for free, but you treat these clients like they're paying clients?,” Goodson responded, "Yes, and I cannot have someone volunteer for me unless they have that same heart.”

Goodson has had her hairstyling license for more than 30 years. She provides well over 200 haircuts a month.

“It’s a dignifying thing -- it's a respectful thing to care and touch someone, even if it's only 15-20 minutes.” Her clients agree.

“I feel more presentable,” said Jerome. He has a job at a fast food restaurant but dreams of more. 

“I want to get married have kids,” added Jerome.  

For women, like Laurel, a style lifts her self-esteem. 

“It really raises it up, it really does," said Laurel. "I get so many compliments on it,” 

Goodson doesn’t accept a monetary tip.  Words of thanks mean so much more.

“You’re born with certain things to give back,” said Goodson. 

Soon, you may recognize her around town. She’s in the process of converting a recreational vehicle into a mobile salon to reach even more people.  

“It’s not just for Houston," added Goodson. "We started here because I live here but the goal is to be all over, everywhere.”

Goodson is most in need of volunteers. If you’d like to donate your time to cut hair, you can contact her by visiting http://www.haveshearswilltravel.org/.